Friday, July 23

SoFASHIONISTAs for a day!

Camille and I got invited to attend SoFA's SoFASHIONISTA For A Day Blogger Series this morning. We were thrilled when we got the e-mail a few days ago. We never expected this blog to reach SoFA. We thought we could never miss it for the world so we skipped our first classes, mine being one of my majors, 2DANIM1 and Camille's LIT class for this. I must say though, it's all worth it.

Meeting other bloggers was fun. Too bad, I wasn't able to take photos of them all because I was in a bit of a hurry. It was fun learning about trends and SoFa from Ms. Nela San Jose and Ms. Maina. And meeting Ms. Amina Aranaz was just beyond awesome. I'm a huge fan of hers and her bags.

Thank you so much, SoFA! :)

I was gonna post a photo of me with Ms. Amina Aranaz but I looked like BLAH. So never mind. Hee.


  1. ooooh i would love to meet other bloggers too. it's great to be able to meet like minded people eh?

  2. i was invited to this event too! too bad i didn't make it. i had work that day.

    it would've been nice to finally meet you guys. :)
